World Cruises 2022 are almost booked up!

Wow, 2020 has been….interesting, challenging, and, a learning experience! Fall is the time of year that we typically work on our business, redesigning how and what we do. This year is no different, but we are now informed by what has happened with the Covid-19 pandemic and the effect it has had on travel and our clients. I’m grateful for our team that has been there to answer all of the calls and respond with true professionalism. We hope you have appreciated that too!
We are fairly busy booking travel for 2021…thank you! It’s great to be talking about destinations and the love of travel again! Please share your love of CruisePlus with your family and traveling friends, we certainly appreciate it!
Here’s what we are up to:
- We are negotiating fabulous fares for our clients and getting excited to share them!
- Dave is back working on marketing – so much for retirement!
- We are back advertising in print on a small scale. You will also see that our ads are featuring refundable cruise or tour pricing – it just feels right for now, but there may be better deals available if that interests you!
- We are doing more on FB and doing more blogs. Please go find them! Our FB link is and we sure hope you share!
- We have just launched our new website – feel free to go and explore. We will be adding more content as we go.
- Some Fridays you will see a FB presentation series. Join us as we explore various travel suppliers and destinations! These presentations will be available later on our website and from links on our emails.
- Our Tuesday emails are being redesigned. You will see some new and simpler navigation at the top of the emails to allow you to click thru to items that you may be specifically interested in. Those links will include an update such as this if there is one, information on many of our preferred travel suppliers latest and greatest promotions, a link to request a quote, our blog, and links to parts of our website to learn more about CruisePlus. And of course, our great offers!
- PS – Our clients often reach out with comments and questions and we do read and value them. Someone recently asked why we have the supplier’s promotions on our ads and email but the offers we have frequently don’t include them. This is because we are trained to assess each offer for value, and often the offers we have negotiated for our clients is better than what the supplier is offering. Sometimes they combine, which is the best of both worlds! Ask us – we can help you find the best value for your specific needs!
- We will begin publishing Thursday emails again. These emails are going to be more destination-based and offer some destination insight, some recipes or travel tips, and some suggestions of offers for that destination. This is going to be fun!
- We are training like crazy! Every travel supplier in the world has changed policies and how they do business and we are refreshing our brains with new information to assist you!
This fall is going to fly by, and we are going to be busy! We look forward to hearing from you, to getting any travel pictures that you want to share, and to getting back to travel! We hope that is soon, and in the meantime, be safe.
Best wishes from all of us – Shelley, Dave, and the CruisePlus Team